Benefits of Charlotte Water Filtration Systems

Charlotte water filtration system

Charlotte water filtration systems have many benefits that you may not even realize.  Whole house water filtration systems offer many health and cost benefits.  ER, Plumbing can assist you in selecting and installing a whole-house water filtration system, but here are a few reasons why they can be beneficial to you and your household.

Cost Benefits of Charlotte Water Filtration Systems

No need to purchase bottled water

Reduces water bottle waste

Cuts down on hair color fading

◦      Less frequent hair coloring needed

Potential for fewer health problems

◦      Reduces the number of doctor's visits

When you and your family are encouraged to drink more water from your whole house filtration system, everyone will save money by purchasing less bottled water and soft drinks.  There are many types of reusable containers that can be used to take your water with you to work, the gym, or school.  Help your family members remember their reusable bottles to eliminate the need to purchase beverages when they are out of the home.

Filtering your water can also extend the life of your household appliances and other plumbing fixtures.  There will be less build-up and mineral deposits, which will lead to less wear and tear.

Health Benefits of Charlotte Water Filtration Systems

Some people think that filtering your water just improves the taste, but it has many more benefits than just better taste.  When the water is filtered, it eliminates potentially harmful chemicals.  It is recommended by President Obama's Anti-Cancer Panel to filter your water as a way to reduce your risks of contracting cancer.  When we filter our tap water, we can lower the exposure to various chemicals that are known carcinogens.  You can give your family peace of mind when your filtration system can reduce their risk of contracting cancer.

Chemicals are filtered out using a whole-house filtration system

◦      Chlorine

◦      Chloramines

◦      Bromine

◦      Sediment

◦      Contaminants

◦      Iron

In addition to the amount of chemicals that are filtered, you can help your health by drinking more water and less sugary beverages.  Soda and sports drinks are unnecessary and can contribute to weight gain, diabetes, hyperactivity in children, and other health problems.  Increasing your water intake can give you more energy and help you stay hydrated, especially in the summer months.

When you choose a whole house filtration system, the water you bathe in is also filtered.  This means your hair and skin will look and feel healthier as well.  The chemical chlorine can also speed up wrinkling of the skin!  Color-treated hair fades with chlorine and iron that is found in unfiltered tap water as well.  Many people find that when they bathe in filtered tap water, their eczema and other skin conditions suddenly clear up.  That means fewer trips to the doctor and healthier skin overall.

Ask a Plumbing Expert About a Charlotte Water Filtration System

At ER Plumbing, we are committed to serving you when you are selecting a water filtration system.  Our plumbing experts will discuss the many benefits, the costs, and the installation of high-quality filtration systems. We also offer free water tests for Charlotte residents (or those who live within 30 miles of Matthews, NC) so you can see the quality of your water.

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E.R. Services is open 24/7, 365 days a year. You don’t need to take time off work or wait until the morning because we never charge extra for nights or weekends. Just give us a call at 704-269-1066 or use our online contact form.

Learn more about Charlotte's water filtration system here.

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Article Summary

Quick question & answer: Are there cost benefits to Charlotte water filtration systems?

Yes, there are cost benefits to Charlotte water filtration systems. You no longer need to purchase bottled water, therefore reducing water bottle waste. It cuts down on hair color fading. There is also a potential for fewer health problems. Filtering your water can also extend the life of your household appliances and other plumbing fixtures.

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