Charlotte Plumber Advice: Drain Trap Q&A

What is a drain trap?

The purpose of a drain trap is to constantly maintain water in the pipe to keep the sewer gas smells from evading the drain.

Where are drain traps located?

There is a trap located at every drain because the drains are connected to drainage systems, which can lead to an outlet for sewer gas. The water acts as a seal, or protective layer, that blocks sewer gas from passing through the drain pipes.

What do drain traps look like?

Drain traps can be in the shape of U, S, or J. The reason the pipes are in these shapes is so they are able to retain some water in its curved section.

Why are drain traps important?

Drain traps are essential for drainage systems as well as for health and safety. The sewer gases that the retained water blocks in the drain traps can be harmful and hazardous. Therefore, if the trap leaks, this water barrier could disappear, allowing the unsafe sewer gases to enter the household.

What problems are common with drain traps?

One common problem is a clogged drain trap, which can be visibly spotted because the drain flow will be slower or stopped.

Another problem that is harder to notice is leaking or seepage from the drain trap. Therefore, it is important to check on them every once in a while to detect if quick repairs are needed.

What are the most important parts of a drain trap?

There are three very important parts to a drain trap. There is the tailpiece, the trap, and the drain extension.

What is the tailpiece of a drain trap?

The tailpiece is a short piece of pipe that descends from the drain outlet in the sink or lavatory.

What exactly is the trap piece?

The trap itself is the curved section of the U, S, or J-shaped pipe that holds the water.

What is the drain extension of a drain trap?

The drain extension is the piece of pipe that extends from the end of the trap, or the U, S, or J-shaped pipe, to the drainpipe outlet in the wall or floor.

What is the material of these pipes?

These pipe pieces are all made of thin metal that can be affected by corrosion, seal failure, and mechanical damage.

How do I fix drain trap problems?

Stay tuned to further DIY articles or contact ER Services.

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Article Summary

Quick question & answer: Why are drain traps important?

Drain traps are important for drainage systems, as well as for health and safety because they keep unsafe sewer gases from entering your household. The sewer gases that the retained water blocks in the drain traps can be harmful and hazardous. Therefore, if the trap leaks, this water barrier could disappear, releasing the gases.


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