Plumbing Tricks You Need to Know
Worried about clogged toilets? A garbage disposal that smells bad or gunks up? Limited hot water? A dishwasher that doesn’t reliably drain? Follow these simple tips to prepare your home for the holidays. We’re open on Christmas (and fully staffed, too!), so we’ve got you covered. However, we’d love to pass on some words of wisdom to help prevent plumbing problems and make your holidays as pleasant as possible.
Charlotte Plumbing Trick #1: Make Plungers Easily Available
Have you ever found yourself stuck in a friend or family member’s bathroom with a clogged toilet and no plunger in sight? (Click here to learn how to get yourself out of this situation gracefully and undetected – we know all kinds of plumbing tricks, including how to unclog a toilet without a plunger!) As you know, this can be terribly embarrassing and can ruin the mood for a lovely dinner.
Spare your guests the embarrassment by stocking bathrooms with plungers. Place a small plunger in a bathroom cabinet or purchase a plunger with an attractive holder in a discrete spot in each bathroom that will be used by a guest. They’ll appreciate it – and you’ll appreciate the fact that you won’t have to help them deal with the problem should it occur!
Charlotte Plumbing Trick #2: Prepare Your Garbage Disposal for Maximum Capacity
This is a very simple, inexpensive, three-step solution that you actually should do once a month to keep your garbage disposal smelling good and working.
Step 1: Pour a cup of baking soda and three cups of white vinegar down your garbage disposal. (Baking soda first, vinegar second.) Let it bubble away all that grime and gunk that has accumulated.
Step 2: Now mix a tablespoon of degreasing dish detergent (we like Dawn) into four cups of very hot (slightly cooler than boiling) water. Pour this down your garbage disposal to melt away any greasy gunk that is lining your garbage disposal, drain and pipes.
Step 3: Stuff two cups of ice cubes down your garbage disposal. Run cold water (full blast) and then run the garbage disposal. This will sharpen the blades.
Now your garbage disposal should smell and work better.
Important note: when preparing food and cleaning up after meals, make sure guests know not to put vegetable peels, turkey bits, grease, egg shells, etc. down the garbage disposal.
Charlotte Plumbing Trick #3: Prepare Your Dishwasher for Action
If you’ve got a dishwasher that has been underperforming or not draining all the way, take the time to clean out the basket in the bottom of the drain. Check the rinse aid level to make sure you’ve added rinse aid (it really does improve performance), and run two cups of white vinegar through (without dishes in it) to get it sparkling clean.
Charlotte Plumbing Trick #4: Plan Ahead so Guests Have Enough Hot Water
If you’re going to have guests in your home (and you don't have a tankless water heater), you may run into problems having enough hot water during peak hot water usage times. Talk to family members about staggering baths and showers and delay running the dishwasher until you know your hot water heater has recovered enough (or your dishes will be washed with lukewarm water). By planning ahead, you can ensure everybody gets hot water.
Need a Charlotte Plumbing Company?
We’ve served the Charlotte area since 1997. We’re open 24/7, 365 days a year, and we don't charge extra for plumbing services on evenings, weekends or holidays.
Many people assume that plumbers charge more for evenings, weekends or holidays – and you’re right to think this: most plumbers do. However, here at E.R. Services we believe in providing the same attention and pricing for service at all hours. We work in shifts so that we are always fully staffed and are ready to handle your plumbing emergency, day or night, weekday or weekend, holiday or regular calendar day. We work with your schedule – and we never charge extra.
Give us a call at 704-269-1066 or click here to use our online contact form. We look forward to serving you!
Happy holidays!
Image credit: http://www.brookhollowcards.com/christmas-cards/profession-specific-cards/plumbing.aspx
Article Summary
Quick question & answer: What are the best plumbing tricks to know for the holidays?
The best plumbing tricks to know for the holidays involve making plungers easily available by keeping them in your bathrooms for guests. You can also prepare your garbage disposal for maximum capacity. Another idea involves preparing your dishwasher for action. Lastly, plan ahead so guests have enough hot water.