Donate a Coat and Make Winter a Little Warmer for Kids in Charlotte

Charlotte NC Plumbers

Charlotte NC Plumbers Who Care

E.R. Services has partnered with WSOC TV's Family Focus initiative, Steve's Coats. That means our office is one of the dozen donation sites around the city of Charlotte. We’re very excited to get involved with Channel 9’s Family Focus community service activities throughout the year, giving back to the community any way we can.

What is Steve’s Coats?

Steve’s Coats is a charitable annual initiative aimed at ensuring all kids in Charlotte have warm coats for the winter. This will be the eleventh year Steve’s Coats collects winter outerwear for the children of Charlotte.

About 15 percent of Charlotte’s population lives under the poverty line, meaning we have a lot of kids out there who don’t have adequate winter clothing. ER Services is determined to make a difference, which is why we partnered with Family Focus and offered our office and manpower for the coat drive.

How You Can Get Involved

This year YOU can help us make a difference!

Drop off new or gently used coats for kids at our office (648 Matthews-Mint Hill Road, Matthews, NC 28105 - directions here: between January 2-15 and we will get those coats to the Steve’s Coats distribution center where they will be given to Charlotte children in need. Thanks in advance for making a difference!

Steve's Coats donation location pic ERP

Charlotte NC Plumbers who care!

Steve's Coats Donation Location Close Up ERP

Charlotte NC Plumbers at your service!

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