Don’t Do It! Why NOT to Install Gas Logs On Your Own

gas logs installation services Charlotte NC, install gas logs

You know how when you watch a horror movie and someone goes into the dark basement where the monster is and you’re yelling “Don’t do it!” at your screen? That’s how plumbers feel when untrained, uncertified homeowners say they’re going to install gas logs themselves. Read on to find out what’s involved with gas log installation and why it’s best left to the professionals.

Getting Set Up

There are two types of gas logs, natural gas and liquid propane. Natural gas taps into buried gas lines. If you already use natural gas for your appliances, you just need to be piped in to the existing setup. Liquid propane requires an external (outside the home) tank, and it uses more carbon, costs more, and burns almost three times hotter than natural gas.


“Certification, please.” Gas log installation involves obtaining an installation permit (whether or not a gas line is already installed) and getting a post-installation inspection from a town or city inspector. Also, each municipality and state has its own fire codes and regulations. For example, there are natural, direct-vent, and vent-free heaters; in certain parts of the country, vent-free heaters are not allowed. A certified professional will handle the permit and inspection and will know what the codes and regulations are.

Safety Considerations

Chim-chimney, chim-chim-cha-roo. Before installation, you’ll need to have your chimney inspected and cleaned. (No, you can’t just ask Santa to take care of that when he swings by for Christmas.)

In addition to the risks associated with a dirty or malfunctioning chimney, there are risks involving the gas line itself, including carbon monoxide poisoning (your detectors are up to date though, right?), improper pressure, the potential fire hazard of a gas flame, and the explosive potential of a gas leak.


Gas log installation isn’t a Saturday afternoon project. It’s usually a multi-day affair, between chimney cleaning, installation, gas line connection, testing, and inspection.

Installing Gas Logs? Call the Pros.

Yes, we do gas log installation! As you can see from the reasons above, hiring a professional is the (only) way to go. We are trained, certified, and experienced in gas log installation. Call us at (704) 846-5371 to set up an appointment. Stay warm and be safe this winter!

gas logs installation services Charlotte NC, install gas logs

Article Summary

Quick question & answer: Why shouldn’t I install gas logs on my own?

You should not install gas logs on your own because gas log installation involves obtaining an installation permit and getting a post-installation inspection from a town or city inspector. In addition, there are risks involving a dirty chimney, the gas line itself, improper pressure, the potential fire hazard of a gas tank, and explosive potential of a gas leak.