You turn on the hot water faucet and wait. You put your hand under it. Nope, still not hot. You wait a little longer and try again. Ah, there it is. Finally.
Sound familiar?
The average home wastes 31 gallons a day—that’s more than 11,000 gallons a year—waiting for hot water, and the average wait is 60 seconds. When you add in the expenses of both water waste and sewer charges, the typical home pours approximately $120 down the drain waiting for hot water.
Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be that way. With a hot water recirculation pump like the Grundfos Modern Comfort System, you can skip the waiting, enjoy hot water immediately, and save money.
How It Works
Hot water recirculation works by generating a continuous flow of hot water in your home’s hot water supply line. Systems are available for both existing homes (retrofit installation) and new construction homes (installation of a dedicated return line). The retrofit system works with your existing cold water line at three points—pump, pipe, and valve—to create a return line. The new construction system involves the installation of a dedicated return line and then a circulator pump where the return line meets the hot water heater.
Benefits of Hot Water Recirculation
There are three significant benefits to hot water recirculation:
- Convenience. Do you have a minute to spare for hot water—every time you run it? Let’s face it; waiting is a hassle. Hot water recirculation is becoming the standard for new construction homes for a reason: it’s a more pleasant, more efficient system
- Savings. Sending an extra 11,000 gallons of water down the drain every year simply isn’t cost-effective. A hot water recirculation system cuts back on water usage, which means savings on your water bill.
- Water Conservation. As you know from World Water Day and other water conservation awareness campaigns, fresh water is a precious resource. Hot water recirculation is a cost-effective means of controlling water waste.
Charlotte Plumbers with Experience
Interested in a hot water recirculation system? Need more information? We are experts in Grundfos Modern Comfort System installation and provide services within a 30-mile radius of Charlotte. Give us a call at 704-846-5371 or use our online contact form for service 24/7, 365 days a year.
Article Summary
Quick question & answer: How does hot water recirculation work?
Hot water recirculation works by generating a continuous flow of hot water in your home’s hot water supply line. Systems are available for existing homes and new construction homes. The retrofit system works with your existing cold water line at three points to create a return line. The significant benefits to hot water recirculation are convenience, savings, and water conservation.