Free Charlotte Tankless Water Heater to Lucky Winner

Charlotte tankless water heater

Update: This contest has ended, but keep an eye on our Facebook page for future contests!

Have You Heard the News? ER Services of Charlotte, NC is Giving Away a Free Tankless Water Heater!

Enter Contest: Free Tankless Water Heater Sweepstakes

Charlotte Tankless Water Heater Sweepstakes

(Brand: Rinnai 9.4, Cash Value: $1,500)

How to Enter:

To enter, simply enter your name and a valid email address and then confirm the subscription email that is sent to you. If you don’t confirm the link in the email, you won’t be entered into the contest. (Check your spam or junk mail!)

Our Promise to You:

We promise never to spam you or sell your email. You will simply get our monthly newsletter. We will contact the winner of the contest via email on July 25th 2013.

Enter Contest: Free Tankless Water Heater Sweepstakes

Earn More Contest Entries by Sharing

To thank those who do share about our contest, we’re rewarding them with extra entries into the contest. This is how it works:

If you share the link to our contest on your Facebook page, Twitter, or Linked In, and someone enters the contest as a result of that share, we’ll enter your email address into the contest ten times, increasing your chances of winning the contest by ten times. This will happen every time someone you shared with enters the contest.

You’ll find the share links on the second page of the contest entry form. These links are tracked electronically so that you will get credit for any entries resulting from your shares on Facebook, Twitter, or Linked In.

Official Rules to Contest:

Must be 18 or older to win

Must live within 30 miles of Matthews, NC

The winner of the contest will be chosen at random, electronically, after 6:00 p.m. on July 25th, 2013. The winner will be contacted via email and the name of the winner will be announced on our website and on Facebook.

Thank you in advance for getting the word out about our contest and our service to the Charlotte area. Good luck, and God bless!

Enter Contest: Free Tankless Water Heater Sweepstakes

Need Charlotte Plumbing Services?

Are you interested in more information about a Charlotte Noritz heater?

Looking to call plumbers in Concord NC?

Need assistance or advice regarding Charlotte NC on demand water heaters?

E.R. Services is open 24/7, 365 days a year. You don’t need to take time off work or wait until the morning because we never charge extra for nights or weekends. Just give us a call at 704-269-1066 or use our online contact form.

Learn more about Charlotte tankless water heaters here.

Charlotte Plumbing Services at Your Service

Serving the Charlotte metro area, including Charlotte suburbs. Looking for Charlotte plumbing services? Matthews plumbing services? We’ll get the job done now and the job done right. 30+ years experience, fully staffed and committed to customer satisfaction.

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21 comments on “Free Charlotte Tankless Water Heater to Lucky Winner

  1. Karen Johnson on

    My husband and I really could use the water heater. We got married June 3rd. of last year and are starting a new life together. He is in his early 50's and I am in my late 40's. He lost his first wife to cancer and I am a cancer survivor myself. I am still a risk of getting it again, but life is all in God's hands. This water heater would come in a start to remodeling our home. The fact of starting a new life and home is hard at our age, but with God's help we can overcome all things through Him. To whomever Wins this water heater is Truly Blessed far beyond Measure. I pray that person will enjoy and take care of it. To be able to receive a gift as this is a True Blessing and to Give I can not Thank You Enough. God Bless to Whom Ever Reads This Letter and My Husband, Pastor Bobby and I will be Praying for you and Your Family everyday. Again, Thank You for giving someone the chance of a life time of a gift of having a new water heater in their home. A True Gift from the Heart.
    God Bless, Karen S. Johnson.

    • ER Plumbing on

      Thank you, Karen, and I wish you the best of luck, with this and everything. Thank you for sharing with us. Just so you know, the winner will be drawn randomly, electronically, and will be announced by email on July 25th (after six p.m.)

      Best of luck to you in all things!

  2. kathy somma on

    sharing!!!!i definitly need a water heater soon...mine is so old.Would love to try a tankless and help promote your business.

  3. Jasmine on

    Hi, By chance I saw your page on facebook, on top of it I saw about the water heater, we really need one, the one we have is think about 15 years old, one takes shower have to wait..if we have family over..... I have never won anything in my life and it will be great to win something that we will use forever.

    • ER Plumbing on

      Good luck to you, Jasmine! Thanks for entering our sweepstakes! The winner will be selected randomly, electronically, but we wish you the best!

      If you share about the contest on Facebook and Twitter and other people enter the contest, your name will be entered 10 times for every entry credited to you sharing about the contest on Facebook or Twitter. This is a way you can increase your chances of winning!

      Again, best of luck to you!

    • ER Plumbing on

      Best of luck to you, Pamela! Thanks for entering our contest! Please do share on Facebook, Twitter and Linked In!

    • sue bradley on

      I am getting a new trailer and would love to have a nice water heater that I could trust my husband just passed away and I need stuff I don't have to work on I hope I have a chance will even put signs in the yard telling everyone about your product thank you

      • ER Plumbing on

        Thanks, Sue! Please do share about the contest - every time someone signs up for the contest through your sharing (it's recorded electronically) on facebook or twitter your name will be entered another ten times for each one of those entries!

        Thanks for your enthusiasm - we're so happy to help folks who need a hand. Last time our water heater ended up going to a family with a lot of kids - it was so awesome to see that because we do this to help out the community and give back since Charlotte has been so good to us.

        Best of luck to you and thanks for sharing!

    • ER Plumbing on

      Best of luck to you, Wendy! Feel free to share about the contest on Facebook and Twitter or even just send people the link. Thanks for your enthusiasm!
