This article provides an overview of backflow and its causes. It offers a helpful guide for homeowners to identify faulty units and understand the importance of testing.
This article provides an overview of backflow and its causes. It offers a helpful guide for homeowners to identify faulty units and understand the importance of testing.
Here is a quick guide to backflow prevention devices to help people ensure they are doing their part to prevent the contamination of drinking water in their homes or businesses.
Most homeowners fear backflow because it can be embarrassing and expensive. The term “backflow” describes wastewater that flows in the opposite direction
There’s no monster that homeowners face as scary as backflow. Yet many homeowners don’t know what backflow is or why it’s crucial to test for it regularly.
Imagine you’re running a bath after a stressful day in an attempt to relax. But, just as you are about to step in, debris is floating in the water. Do you know what to do with backflow?