Tips for Laundry Room Plumbing Maintenance

Charlotte plumber washing machine, laundry room plumbing tips

When you think “laundry room,” images of appliances, detergent, and a mound of clothes in need of folding may come to mind. Another image to add to the scene: the plumbing that makes it all happen. Follow these laundry room plumbing prevention and maintenance tips to make sure the plumbing system in your laundry room is running efficiently and keeping mishaps at bay.

Avoid Water Damage

Taking steps to prevent flooding and water damage will save you time, money, and aspirin (from all the headaches). Here are a few things you can do:

  • Install water alarms to alert you of flooding.
  • Check rubber hoses on the washing machine for bulges and cracks. If possible, replace them with stainless steel braided hoses, which are more durable, leak-resistant, and crack-resistant.
  • If you have a sink in the laundry room, check exposed pipes for leaks and loose fittings.
  • Use washing machine strainers to capture hair, lint, soap residue, and other debris that can clog drains and cause backup.

Keep in mind that signs of leakage can be observed visually (drips, water stains, or corrosion) or through feel—leaks can sometimes result in low water pressure.

Other Tips for Safety and Efficiency

Run a full load. Many washing machines have only limited capability with regard to water control for a given load. Washing at full load capacity is more efficient and less wasteful.

Try to clear slow drains. If you notice a slow drain or an odor from a drain, try clearing the drain by pouring a few quarts of hot water into it. If that doesn’t work, clean out the trap (using the cleanout valve or, if there isn’t one, by manually unscrewing and dumping the trap).

Prevent sewer gas backup. Your nose will be grateful for this tip. Sewer gases can back up into the home through drains, like those on a laundry sink, that aren’t used frequently. As with the previous tip, pour hot water down the drain to address this. The water will keep the trap seal full and can help clear the drain.

Laundry Room Plumbing Problems? Call a Charlotte Plumber.

Feel secure knowing you’ve got water damage prevention measures in place. If you’d like to install a water alarm system, need drain maintenance, or notice a laundry room leak, we’re here to help. We’re available at 704-846-5371 or via our online contact form. Dealing with an emergency? Let us know it's an emergency via our online contact form.

Charlotte plumber washing machine, laundry room plumbing tips

Article Summary

Quick question & answer: What are the best tips for laundry room plumbing maintenance?

There are several tips for laundry room plumbing maintenance. To avoid water damage, install water alarms to alert you of flooding, check rubber hoses on the washing machine for bulges and cracks, check laundry room sink’s exposed pipes for leaks and loose fittings, and use washing machine strainers to capture debris.