Top 10 Most Viewed Blog Posts of 2019

Charlotte plumbing issues

Top 10 Most Viewed Blog Posts of 2019

Charlotte plumbing issuesPlumbing issues are bound to happen. To help prepare you for when they do, we have compiled our most viewed blogs of 2019 below. These articles provide tips, tricks and advice for a variety of plumbing situations. Have fun reading!

1. Drained and Confused

If your dishwasher is not fully draining, first inspect your pump seal and examine your dishwasher door to see if the cycle finished. Some of the additional steps you can take involve ensuring proper functioning of electrical outlet, scanning over drain hose to check for coils, and searching for clogs in the garbage disposal.

2. At Your Disposal

Grease, fruit/vegetable skins, gooey foods like oatmeal, eggshells, and all parts of meat should not go into a garbage disposal. However, warm water with dishwasher detergent, ice cubes and frigid water, along with baking soda and vinegar can go in a disposal, and actually benefits it.

3. Don’t Let Your Money Go Down the Drain

Approximately 10 water droplets leak from a faucet each minute at a regular pace, costing $20 each month. In a day, that equates to 3 liters. A quicker pace however could increase that to 5 gallons a day. Larger leaks, like those of pipes or toilets, result in increased water loss and therefore higher financial loss.

 4. Clean Out the Pipes

One of the best methods for unblocking a toilet involves mixing baking soda with vinegar to help loosen the blockage. Other ways include using dish soap, putting petroleum jelly on the plunger’s tip, utilizing a drain snake, or having a professional plumber check out the situation.

5. Feeling Drained

To prevent a shower drain from developing an odor, rid your drain of any foreign objects, utilize a combination of baking soda with vinegar, rinse it with bleach, or install a catcher to prevent additional materials from going through. You may also need to repair your drain tap if it has deteriorated.

 6. Well, It’s Cold Outside

With brisk temperatures in our midst, freezing wells are an increasing issue. To prepare for this, snap a picture of the tag on your pipe to obtain your well’s details. Install foam or fabric insulation, hook up a heat lamp, and protect the well with a covering.

 7. You’re Not Plumb Out of Luck

When odors persist from beneath your sink, first examine the area for spills and decayed items. Then, turn your faucet on and look at the pipes to make sure they’re not leaking. After, turn on the garbage disposal. If you find a crack in the plumbing, repair it. Lastly, clean out the area thoroughly for good measure.

8. Don’t Let Your Water Boil Over

Attics do not make ideal homes for water heaters. Seepage from the water heater has potential to destroy attic flooring and grow mold. It is also more challenging to reach it for repairs. Since it is more difficult to keep an eye on in the attic, insurance may not cover damages if they assume neglect.

9. Flush Out of Luck

If your toilet flushes without prompting, a ventilation issue could be the culprit. If air cannot flow properly, it may try to evacuate via your sewer system, hence the excessive flushing. In addition, the flapper in your toilet bowl could be faulty or your water pressure could be excessively elevated.

10. You’re In Hot Water

If a tankless water heater encounters a problem, it self-assesses and provides you with an error code. If it shows error code 10, air supply might be closed off. You can examine the vent to make sure it follows code, check that all parts are joined accordingly, and see if the fan is working correctly.

Need a Charlotte Area Plumber?

We hope you found some of the above tricks useful to help remedy some of these situations on your own. However, with more intricate dilemmas, we recommend seeking professional assistance. At E.R. Services, we would be glad to assist you in any way we can with your plumbing needs.

Article spotlight

Quick question & answer: What do I do if my dishwasher is not fully draining?

If your dishwasher is not fully draining, try inspecting the pump seal and check the dishwasher door to make sure the cycle is finished. If it is still not functioning correctly, look for clogs. Then, check to see if the electrical outlet is working. Look at the drain hose for coils that can be undone.