Water Heater Making a Rumbling Sound?

Hot water heater repair Charlotte

Why Is My Water Heater Making a Rumbling Sound?

Does your water heater rumble? Are you getting concerned that something is wrong with your water heater? If your water heater is making rumbling noises, you’ll want to look into the cause of it and fix the problem.

Water Heater Rumbling

If your water heater is rumbling, you’ve got one of the following three things going on. Either:

  • You have hard water scale build up inside your water heater tank. This means you have hard water, which can be treated with a water softener or a whole house water filtration system. It also means that hard water scale is already built up inside the tank of your water heater, which can make your water heater overheat.
  • You have a build up of sediment in your tank other than hard water scale. If you don’t have hard water, you may have a build up of rust or other minerals from years of use. This also can cause your hot water heater to overheat.
  • You have too much cold water entering the water heater tank at a time. This is not concerning – it just makes a noise. It can be corrected easily (adjustment of how much cold water goes into the tank at a time) and is not a big deal.

Why You Don’t Want Your Hot Water Heater to Overheat

Not sure what the big deal is about your water heater overheating? Check out this article about a woman whose water heater exploded and cause her apartment on fire.

You will want to get your water heater checked out if it’s rumbling, especially if:

  • The water heater is over 10 years old
  • The water heater has not been drained in the past year
  • You have hard water or high mineral presence in your water

You may need your water heater drained, repaired or replaced.

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Learn more about Charlotte tank water heaters here.

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Article Summary

Quick question & answer: Why is my water heater making a rumbling sound?

Your water heater is making a rumbling sound for one of the following three reasons. You may have hard water scale build up inside your water heater tank. You may have a buildup of sediment in your tank other than hard water scale. Lastly, you may have too much cold water entering the water heater tank at a time.

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2 comments on “Water Heater Making a Rumbling Sound?

    • David Parker on

      Sounds like water pressure build up from steam and you need to check your gas control valve or thermostats if electric water heater?
