Gas line emergencies are extremely dangerous. You need to call professional assistance immediately to prevent it from getting worse. That said, it's important not to panic, be safe, and follow all safety precautions, whether it's a suspected gas leak or a damaged gas line.
What To Do If There's A Gas Line Emergency
The first step in dealing with a gas line emergency is recognizing the signs of a gas leak. Common indicators include a strong odor of sulfur or rotten eggs and hissing or whistling noises near a gas line. You will also notice dead or dying vegetation around the gas line, or dust and debris blowing from the ground.
If you detect any of these signs, do not use any electronics such as light switches, phones, and appliances, as they can ignite the gas. Turn off your gas valve and open windows and doors to allow gas to escape and ventilate the area. Then, everyone inside must leave the house immediately including all pets. Do not stop to collect belongings.
Once you are at a safe distance from the house, call your local emergency services to report the gas leak and inform them of the situation. They will send professionals to assess and repair the gas line.
How To Prevent Gas Line Hazards
Aside from being aware of these signs, get regular gas line maintenance and inspections from qualified gas plumbers. You can also use carbon monoxide and natural gas detectors at home to alert you to any leaks. Familiarize yourself with the location of your gas shut-off valve and how to operate it in case of an emergency.
Educate your household about gas safety and what to do in case of a gas leak. Make sure they know the basics of what to do when there is a gas line emergency. These simple but effective steps will help anyone avoid these deadly hazards and make everyone safe.
Also, keep your gas line company's emergency number handy. Call E. R. Services right away once you experience a gas line emergency. We are available 24/7 and have helped the community since 1997.