how high is high water pressure

How high is too high when it comes to high water pressure?

Question: How high is too high when it comes to water pressure, and what can I do about high-water pressure? Why is high water pressure a problem?

Answer: When the water pressure is too high, everything in your house that has to do with water can be damaged. It shortens the lifespan of appliances, it can cause the tubes connected to appliances to rupture or crack, and it can cause faucets and shower heads to leak.

It's important to know what your water pressure should be. Water pressure of 50Psi – 75Psi is the standard range of pressure for most houses and businesses in the area. A pressure range between 80-120Psi is too high.

What You Can Do

Invest in a device that measures water pressure or call a plumber if you see signs of high water pressure. The short term investment of installing a pressure regulator – also known as a pressure reduction valve — will save you a lot of money of problems related to burst appliance hoses or leaking faucets.

Learn More

Learn about water pressure and regulators.