Gastonia Plumbers

Water heater giving you trouble? Ready to finally fix that pesky leaking faucet? Time to find out why your water bill spiked? Call us today at 704-846-5371 to speak with Gastonia plumbers with over 20 years experience.

Why Choose Us?

Our techs are the best. Our owner is a master plumber with over 30 years' of experience, and he only hires the very top plumbing technicians in town. Don't believe us? Read our hundreds of positive reviews for our specific techs here. Our guys are good. They know plumbing, and they deliver excellent service.

We'll do the job right. We're dedicated to customer satisfaction. If for any reason you aren't happy, our owner gets involved and makes sure we do right by you. Read up about our owner and our commitment to our customers here.

We'll do the job right away, when it works for you. We're open 24/7, 365 days a year, and we never ever charge extra. That means you can get a plumbing tech to your home when you need one, on your schedule. We're fully staffed round the clock and respond quickly to calls.

Ready to get started? Give us a call at 704-846-5371 today.

Gastonia plumbers

We Know Gastonia

Gastonia is growing rapidly, and we recognize the plumbing challenges that accompany rapid growth. Some facts you might not know about Gastonia:

  • Gastonia proper is 3 square miles
  • Gastonia has a population of approximately 71,000, and is still growing
  • Gastonia is the third largest city in the Charlotte metro area
  • Gastonia is the former home of Parkdale Mills, the number one supplier of spun yarn

Many Gastonians are do-it-yourselfers who can tackle a lot of your plumbing issues on your own. However, we urge you to give us a call when you hit a project that won’t bend to your will – like a broken pipe or clogged drain that requires serious snaking and hydro-jetting with professional equipment. We understand you don’t want to waste your time and money, so we’ll give you an honest quote, excellent financing options, and our workmanship and materials guarantee.

Plumbing Services

We provide the following plumbing services to Gastonia homeowners and business owners:

Gastonia Plumbers at Work

Wondering what sorts of plumbing projects we've tackled in Gastonia? Check out this real-time map to see what our plumbing technicians are up to today. Be sure to expand the map so you can see what's happening all over the Charlotte metro.

Map of Gastonia, NC

Pool company damaged sewer line during excavation for new pool. Original route was directly under pool and will need to be rerouted. Pool company will have trench dug for new sanitary line.

Near Cramer Woods Dr, Gastonia, NC 28056

Map of Gastonia, NC

Arrived onsite, body shop manager pointed out the clogged wash bay pit. Pulled grate cover, pumped water out of pit with pump and fire hose. Shoveled sludge and muck from bottom of pit and bagged it. Sprayed off trench drain. Ran water back into pit, line is still clogged. Ran drain snake several times into cleanout while running water hose to get sand out of line. Eventually the line began to flow. Ran a lot of water into pit for 20 minutes, no longer backing up flowing good. Replaced strainer basket into pit. Put grate cover back on.

Near Remount Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Map of Gastonia, NC
Steve A.

Steve A.

I arrived on site and met with staff. He showed me two separate break room faucets that were problematic. One was in the main building and the faucet was dripping consistently, but had no damage on the back wall. They also took me to a secondary break room further away from the main building had a dripping faucet that was creating damage on the back wall underneath the sink. After assessing, water was leaking at the spout and running down underneath the sink along the hoses, creating the water damage. Spoke with property management who authorized repairs replacement on the faucet and wall damage. They did not authorize the other repair as it was under a different work order. Reviewing pricing, property management advised it was acceptable to exceed NTE if needed and did not need further confirmation. After purchasing kitchen sink faucet, I removed the existing faucet and replaced with a new kitchen faucet in same location. After restoring water, no further leaks were found at this time

Near Remount Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Map of Gastonia, NC
Steve A.

Steve A.

Arrived on site and gained access to the tankless water heater creating the code 12. Removed existing flame rod/sensor and igniter. Replaced with new flame rod/sensor and igniter. Tested unit by tying hose onto test port and flowing water consistently for 20 minutes. No additional code 12 were discovered during the testing. A leak was discovered, however, coming from behind the small reservoir tank on the unit and only when unit is running. No leak when there is no demand for hot water. Will need to follow up with service manager with regards to repair or replacement recommendations.

Near N New Hope Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Map of Gastonia, NC
Kaitlyn M.

Kaitlyn M.

After arriving on site I found the toilet spud had been knock loose from the toilet in the women’s employee restroom. The only way this could be happening is from employees flushing the toilet with their foot. I took it apart, put it back together and retightened it to where it’s properly secured and not leaking at this time. The spud looked new and had no signs of wear and tear so the only way for it to come loose is from foot flushing the toilet. No more leaks were found at this time.

Near N New Hope Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Map of Gastonia, NC
Kaitlyn M.

Kaitlyn M.

Once approved, we will return to perform the following: - provide technician and apprentice for repairs - Turn incoming cold water off to water heater and turn off recirculating line - Cut in new 1/2” spring check on recirculating line - Re-pipe to remove existing swing check - Re-pipe for expansion tank - Spring check in vertical position - Cut in valve and boiler drain for return draw - Remove existing 1” swing check valve from cold line and replace with 1” spring check valve in same location - Restore water and test - Use all Pro-Press material Exclusions: any additional plumbing concerns that need to be addressed at the time of service will alter the scope of this estimate and will incur additional charges as needed Note: As the temperature fluctuations appear to be sporadic in nature, it may take several days to confirm that repair was successful. I have advised store management about this. Estimate Breakdown: Parts - $368.00 Labor - $682.00 Arrived onsite; shut

Near Cox Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Map of Gastonia, NC
Kaitlyn M.

Kaitlyn M.

-Cut and raise half inch drain lines coming out of ice machine -Secure drain lines to wall and floor -Set drain lines to correct height per code -Test drain After arriving on site I raised the drain lines for the ice maker per quote. One of the fittings behind the ice make was not glued so I glued it as well. I reconfigured the 1 1/2 inch cpvc condensation line so it is no longer directly under the sink drain. No leaks were found and all three drains I worked on drain properly at this time.

Near N New Hope Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Map of Gastonia, NC
Kaitlyn M.

Kaitlyn M.

The Sloan valve in the employee’s women’s room was malfunctioning so I replaced the valve. I found no leaks on any part of the valve at this time.

Near N New Hope Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Map of Gastonia, NC
Kaitlyn M.

Kaitlyn M.

After arriving on site I was shown the drain that needs to be raised for the health department to pass it. The manager needs to reach out to upper management to request the nte change and they’ll have us back when it’s approved.

Near N New Hope Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Map of Gastonia, NC
Steve A.

Steve A.

I arrived on site and met with store management. After reviewing the nature of the concern (Inconsistent water temperature), I started my investigation at the water heater. At installation, water temperature was set at the manufacturer recommended setting. Upon today’s visit, I found the temperature adjusted to B on the thermostat. As thermostat temp is increased, the risk of scald injury also increases. I notified store management and reduced the temperature to the manufacturer recommended settings. As I inspected the water heater, I also found a 1” swing check valve in line before the expansion tank as it leads to the water heater. It is likely that the swing check is stuck in the open position and needs to be replaced. I am providing an estimate to return with help to change out the check valve from a swinging check to a new spring check. We will also install a 1/2” spring check on the recirculating line to ensure there is no backfeeding of the system. I advised store management thi

Near Cox Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Steve A.

Steve A.

I arrived on site and met with staff. I gained access to the tankless heater. I placed my monometer on the gas test port before the manifold and called tech-support. I received a reading of 8.4–8.5 inches of water. After talking to tech-support and walking through diagnostic testing, they advise that replacing the flame sensor and igniter Should be the next step and eliminating the code. He also asked to see the terminations for the venting above the heaters. He advised that the elevation and proximity of the termination points may be a contributing factor to the code 12. The heater producing the code is the tallest vent termination with the first and third heater beside it being below and in close proximity. Per support, the parts will be covered under warranty. We will charge a labor cost to come out to install the new parts once they arrive. Note: As we were unable to replicate the error code 12 on the previous visit, but performed service to attempt to remedy it, this would not be

Near N New Hope Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Steve A.

Steve A.

Arrived on site and met with staff. After gaining access to the water heater (2nd from left out of 4), there was no error code at this time. I removed the flame sensor and igniter and found them to be heavily carbonized. I cleaned the sensor and igniter and reinstalled into the unit. I tested by flowing water and found no recurring error message. After placing cover, code 12 occurred. I removed the cover and reset the unit. I restarted the unit and code was removed. I ran more water with no code. I replaced the cover again and flow water, finding no error code at this time. I advised the staff to monitor the heater and to reach out if it coded again. Unable to inspect venting at the roof due to access. If we return for code 12 again, we will need to return with a second person to safely access the roof and inspect the venting. After Cleaning and notifying staff I left the site.

Near N New Hope Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Kaitlyn M.

Kaitlyn M.

Ball valve coming off water filter was leaking at packing nut. It looks like the filters were just replaced. Packing nut was pretty loose. Tighter up and leak stopped. Opened and closed valve to test. All good at this time

Near N New Hope Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Multiple floor drains affected. Used large sewer machine and 5/8” cable to clear line. Found evidence of grease. Drains are flowing freely at this time.

Near N New Hope Rd, Gastonia, NC 28054

Brennan  B.

Brennan B.

On arrival, customer had 2 inch backflow that was leaking in multiple locations and was in need of a replacement, as well as the risers leading up to the backflow. They were galvanized and were completely rusted at the threads and we’re leaking down. Got approval from Steve and began work excavated down to find the bottom of the risers cut out and replace the bad sections of piping replaced with new copper risers and fittings installed new 2 inch backflow and tested when complete. We installed a new concrete pad once done no further issues at this time

Near E Franklin Blvd, Gastonia, NC 28056

Ready to Get Started?

Call us today at 704-846-5371 to talk with Gastonia plumbers that are truly dedicated to customer satisfaction. Find out why our company motto is "Serviced Once, Client for Life."