Searching the Web for Plumbers Harrisburg?

Look no further. We're happy to say you've found us: the top-rated Harrisburg plumbers handling water heater repair and water heater installation services for the Charlotte area.

Water heater on the fritz? It may be time to have an expert take a look. E.R. Services offers comprehensive water heater repair and replacement services at an affordable price. Call 704-846-5371 for a quote today.

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e.r. services - water heater services in harrisburg, plumbers Harrisburg, Harrisburg water heater repair

Imagine taking a nice, relaxing shower only to be shocked with a jet of ice-cold water. Not fun, right? With an unreliable water heater, this could happen to you unexpectedly and without warning. If your water heater isn’t giving you much confidence these days, it may be time to call E.R. Services.

Our friendly and knowledgeable water heater specialists in Harrisburg, NC provide comprehensive water heater repair and installation services. By assessing your problem and determining your unique needs, we can recommend products and services that work for your home and budget.

Common Water Heater Repair Service

When you call for emergency water heater service, there are a few things the technician will check first to rule out. These are common issues that contribute to numerous water heater problems:

Thermostat: A malfunctioning thermostat means you have lost control of the component controlling the temperature of the heater. This could result in losing your hot water completely or experiencing water that is scalding hot at unexpected times.

Physical Damage: If there are physical cracks or dents in the unit, you will need to call for hot water tank repair or replacement immediately. These cracks lead to leaks, corrosion, electrical failure and more.

Electrical Components: Modern water heaters rely on electrical components to operate. If these wires or sensors start to break, you could be left stranded with no hot water in your home.

Is it Time to Replace Your Water Heater?

As a water heater repair company, we also specialize in water heater installation and replacement services. Is it time to replace your water heater? Ask yourself these following questions:

  • Am I spending a lot of money on frequent water heater repairs?
  • Is my energy bill rising for no apparent reason?
  • Are the service parts no longer available for my water heater model?
  • Is the water heater between 10-15 years old?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it may be time to replace your water heater. Hot water heater replacement before the unit breaks down completely will help save you money in future repairs and energy bills.

Tank or Tankless? Choosing a New Water Heater

plumbers Harrisburg, tankless water heater HarrisburgIs it time to replace your water heater? Not sure if you want to replace the old one with the newer version of the one you used to have? You're smart to explore options; there have been plenty of changes in the world of water heaters since your original water heater was installed.

We understand that a new water heater installation is an investment. Your water heater can last anywhere from 10-20+ years, so you want to invest in a water heater that will meet your family's needs.

We'll help you think through water heater pros and cons. For example, tank water heaters are usually best if you have a small family and don't plan on staying in your home for more than 10 years. Tankless water heaters are best for big families and people who think they will be in their home for more than 10 years. Tank water heaters are less expensive upfront, but tankless water heaters pay for themselves (and then some) over the life of the water heater. Tankless water heaters provide unlimited hot water; tank water heaters require more maintenance.

But there's more to it than these guidelines. Talk to one of our plumbing technicians to weigh the options and determine what is the best water heater for your home.

Searching the Web for Plumbers Harrisburg?

Search no more! For more information on our expert water heater replacement and repair services in Harrisburg, NC, call 704-846-5371 today and speak with one of our experts. Whether you need a fast emergency repair or a new installation, we can help.