5 Star Lancaster Plumbing Company

Water heater on the fritz? Drains clogged? Pipes got you worried? If you need a Lancaster plumbing company ready to solve your plumbing problems, you're in the right place.

Why Work With Us?

When your plumbing starts to give you trouble, you need a plumbing company with a stellar reputation and a commitment to customer satisfaction.

We've got hundreds of 5-star plumbing reviews. Every plumber in town claims to be the best, but we let our customers speak for themselves. Read our plumbing reviews. Dig deeper to read up on our individual plumbing technicians; some of them have over 100 5-star reviews.

Your plumbing problem is our plumbing problem. When you call us about your plumbing problem, we take it on as our plumbing problem. We prioritize it as if we were the ones facing the situation, and we work on it until we've solved the problem to your satisfaction.

As a result, we do things a little differently than most plumbing companies. We are always open so we can serve you when it's convenient for you, not for us. If you need an evening appointment, it won't cost you extra money because we understand that you can't take off work just because your water heater stopped working. Once you work with us you'll see that we truly are committed to you as a customer.

Affordable service is our standard. We understand that even if you have all the money in the world, you don't want to spend it all on a plumbing project. We pride ourselves on providing top notch, affordable plumbing service.

Ready to Get Started?

Call us at 704-846-5371 and let us know what you've got going on. We're happy to help.

Lancaster Plumbing company, plumber Lancaster SC, plumbers Lancaster SC

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We Know Lancaster SC

The Rose City is a growing city of about 10,000 residents with a charming historic downtown and an emphasis on both visual and performing arts. Before you try to replace that shower or fix that toilet yourself, give us a call. We’ll get the job done quickly and efficiently, and we’ll get it done right, giving you more time to enjoy the Boo Fest or the Red Rose Festival.

We handle a wide variety of plumbing projects. From emergency plumbing (water line burst, water heater broke down, sewer line backed up, drains clogged) to planned projects (renovations, installation or repair of appliances, maintenance, repiping projects, installation of water lines or gas lines), we handle them all.

Commercial plumbing projects are also in our scope. We've got the trucks, equipment, staff, and experience to tackle large or small industrial or commercial plumbing projects.

Recent Local Plumbing Projects

Check out our activity heat map powered by Nearby Now to see some of the projects our plumbing technicians tackled recently. Just click on the map and expand it to see what the guys are doing today.

Lancaster Plumbing Company With Credentials

Call us at 704-846-5371 for quick plumbing service. We look forward to working with you!