Searching for Plumbers Mt. Holly NC for Water Heater Repair & Installation?
Searching the internet for plumbers Mt. Holly NC? Here we are!
Local. Looking for local plumbers? We've been fixing water heaters in Mt. Holly since 1997, so we know our way around town.
Reputable. Want to get to know your plumbing technician before he arrives to do the job? You can read reviews of specific plumbing technicians here. Several of the guys have over 100 positive reviews! We're proud of our team.
Affordable. Looking for coupons? Save money while getting top-notch service.
While we provide pretty much every plumbing service possible, water heater repair and water heater installation services are two of our specialties. Call us at 704-846-5371 and we'll help you determine if that water heater can be fixed or if you need a new one.
Looking for plumbers with a solid reputation? Read our 1000+ five-star reviews.
Mt. Holly Water Heater Service
If you woke up this morning to NO HOT WATER, your family probably erupted with demands. You need hot water for showers, for the dishwasher, for the laundry... We understand that your water heater problems are an emergency, and we take your need for water heater repair or replacement seriously.
When you call us, you'll talk to our office staff. Let them know you've got a water heater issue and need service right away. We'll work with you to repair or replace your water heater on your schedule, at a time that works for you. We're open 24/7, and unlike other plumbing companies, we don't charge extra for evenings, weekends or holidays because we understand that you need your water heater fixed or replaced when it works for you.
Most Common Water Heater Repair Issues
When diagnosing a water heater problem we first examine for issues with the following:
- Thermostat
- Physical damage
- Electrical components
We take into consideration age, brand and your household's needs as we determine if a water heater repair is the best option or if you need to consider a new water heater. If the outcome is debatable, we will present the pros and cons of repair compared to replacement so you make the best decision for your situation.
Reasons to Invest in a New Water Heater Installation
Over the lifetime of your water heater’s, it’s typical to need a few minor repairs every now and then. However, sometimes it's just time for a new water heater. Ask yourself:
- Am I constantly spending money on water heater repairs?
- Are my energy bills going up? A spike in energy bills is a sign that the water heater is losing efficiency and should be replaced.
- How old is my water heater? Water heaters that are on the older side should also be replaced as they are losing efficiency and becoming less reliable.
We're Glad You Found Us: Plumbers Mt. Holly NC!
Need an emergency water heater repair? Need to replace the unit today? Call 704-846-5371 now for trusted Mt. Holly water heater services.