Waxhaw Drain Cleaning Experts
Looking for a Waxhaw plumbing company that knows how to unclog drains? Invest in professional Waxhaw drain cleaning services and find out what a difference clean pipes can make for your home or business.
Trying to decide who to trust your clogged drains with?
You need plumbers with experience. We have been cleaning drains in Waxhaw since 1997.
You need plumbers with a proven track record. We've got hundreds of 5-star reviews that prove we are committed to customer satisfaction.
You need a relationship with a Waxhaw plumbing company that is here to stay. We will be here when you need plumbing service down the road. We're big enough to meet your plumbing needs, but we're also local and are dedicated to the Charlotte area, unlike the national chains that are here today and gone tomorrow if business isn't profitable enough.
Got clogged drains? Call 704-846-5371 for safe and effective clogged drain repair and cleaning by the drain specialists at E.R. Services.
Forget about paying full price for your next call when you download and print our current coupons and exclusive online offers.
Waxhaw Plumbing Company Specializing in Drain Cleaning Services
Clogged and dirty drains present a real problem for homeowners in Waxhaw, NC. This issue has a significant impact on your entire plumbing system and creates a serious disruption in your home. Instead of reaching for a bottle of chemical drain cleaner, try professional drain cleaning service instead. It’s safer, more effective and will help improve your pipes in the long run.
The experts at E.R. Services are trained and experienced in the best drain repair and cleaning methods in the industry. We carefully inspect the drain and provide comprehensive cleaning that is thorough and extensive.
Signs You Need Drain Cleaning
If you notice any of the following signs in your home, it could indicate a clogged drain. Clogged drains typically come from debris such as food particles, hair, grease and oil collecting and hardening in the drain. This makes them difficult to remove without professional help. Look these signs in your home that point to a definitely clogged drain:
- Standing water or slow-moving water in the sink or tub.
- Difficulty flushing the toilet.
- Once the toilet has been flushed, it is slow to fill back up.
- Foul odors coming from the drains.
Working with a plumbing company the next time you have a clogged drain is better than using a chemical drain cleaner, as chemical cleaners contain lye, which will eat through your pipes and cause extensive damage.
Find out what other homeowners in the area have to say about our services by checking out our latest reviews and customer comments.
How to Prevent Future Clogged Drains?
The best defense against clogged drains is prevention. The old saying rings true. Here are some tips and tricks to prevent clogged drains from plaguing your home on a regular basis:
- Place hair and food screens on your sink and tub to stop hair and food from entering the drain.
- Never pour grease down the drain. Once it cools, it will harden and create a nasty clog.
- Invest in annual or bi-annual drain cleaning by a professional.
- Between cleaning appointments, try pouring hot water down the drain at least once per week. This will quickly clear out any potential clogs before they have a chance to harden.
Looking for Waxhaw Drain Cleaning Experts?
You don't have to live with slow drains. Call 704-846-5371 for professional drain cleaning services. Our expert drain specialists in Waxhaw, NC can get rid of stubborn clogs and keep your drains sparkly clean all year long.