Safety First - During COVID-19 & Always
As always, your safety is of utmost importance to us. Those of you who know us know that our greatest pride is in our company culture of caring—for our staff and our community alike. Our employees are like family to us, and so are our customers.
That’s why we are taking extraordinary precautions to protect you and our staff from COVID-19 (Novel coronavirus). Safety is always our number one priority. Always.
We’re closely monitoring recommendations and protocols established by the World Health Organization (WHO), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and local health departments and are taking the steps outlined below to provide safe, contact-free service to our customers.
Because We’re All Family
Because we consider you all family, we are doing everything we can to serve the community around us. We know that the services we provide are essential to maintaining the safety and reliability of your home’s critical systems. That’s why we’re implementing a new ZERO CONTACT process that minimizes person-to-person contact during our in-home service calls.
We’re also delivering essentials to those who need them and volunteering any way we can, as we always do. Learn how you can make a difference, too.
Technician Protocol and Safety Measures
As a precautionary measure, we have implemented increased hygiene routines, including hand washing and sanitizing before and after each customer visit. Additionally, our technicians are avoiding all typical contact with customers, like shaking hands.
Ways We Are Staying Contact-Free to Keep All of Us Safer
- Our employees are closely monitoring their own health. To date, there have been no reported cases of an E.R. Services employee exhibiting symptoms related to COVID-19. In the event there is any individual who is presenting symptoms or fear they may have been exposed, they will be self-quarantined, along with any employees they’ve been in contact with.
- We have transitioned to a remote work model for most employees to limit risk of exposure.
- The customer service reps are screening homes and businesses before dispatching. This is to ensure we do not place our technicians at risk. If someone in the home or business is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, we take appropriate precautions, including the use of PPE.
- We care about our technicians & You! We’ve put systems in place so that the quality of service we provide remains the same. Our technicians are going to be dispatched directly from their home to yours.
- To limit contact, we call or text when we arrive. This is both to greet you, but also to sort out details of your needs over the phone before we enter the home or business.
- Because we discuss the details over the phone upon arrival, we go right to the problem that needs attention. There is no need to lead us there personally.
- We love having conversations with our customers. Usually, that happens at the kitchen table. But for the time being, we are having those conversations outside or over the phone whenever possible.
- Instead of requiring an actual signature, we have authorized customers to use a “verbal” signature to sign off on invoices.
- Our techs are prepared. Every truck is stocked with a complete set of personal protective equipment.
- E.R. technicians use one-time-use, disposable shoe covers, gloves and masks. They also clean tools and equipment to prevent contamination.
- As much as we want to shake your hand or give you a hug, instead, we will give you a friendly wave hello and goodbye.
- To minimize contact, we now send all documents electronically and complete payment without physical payment methods like checks and cash whenever possible.
- Lastly, we’re doing the basics. That means we’re washing our hands and sanitizing all work surfaces frequently.
We want to assure you that we take safety as seriously as our work. We’re committed to continuing our service without exposing you or our staff to unnecessary risk.
Have a safety idea you’d like to share? Please let us know how else we can bring you more peace of mind.