Sneaky Leaks—And Why Professional Leak Detection Equipment is Key

Charlotte Professional Leak Detection Equipment

professional hydro jetter for drain cleaningThere’s a reason “leaky” rhymes with “sneaky.” Water, sewer, and gas leaks are sneaky, and they spell trouble for businesses and homes alike. Undetected leaks inevitably lead to problems—they don’t resolve themselves—and by the time they become visible or obvious leaks, the damage has usually been done. Without professional leak detection equipment, it can be very difficult to locate hidden leaks in places like under slab.

Fortunately, there’s professional-level technology to detect leaks before they get out of hand. Hiring the right company with the right equipment means pinpointing leaks and getting the job done right the first time—no costly guesswork. Read on to find out what we use and how professional, top-of-the-line equipment saves you time, money, and ibuprofen (you know, for the headache).

Water Leaks

For commercial clients, we use two kinds of technology. The first is Accu-Corr 3000, a high-performance digital correlator (device that uses sensors to detect leaks) that maximizes how quickly a leak can be detected and minimizes the likelihood of false reads. The connectors on this equipment are so strong they’re actually up to military specifications, which means they can withstand even the toughest conditions. The second component to water leak detection is the XMic, an electronic ground microphone that amplifies the sound of a leak on a buried pipe; identifying the position of the loudest leak noise helps us dial in to the leak site. This technology is designed to filter out other noises so that leaks due to pipe damage in particular are evident. We also use for the XMic for residential water leak detection and add nitrogen to it, which makes a popping sound.

Sewer Leaks

Looking for sewer leaks often goes hand-in-hand with searching for water leaks. For this, E.R. Plumbing uses Superior® Sewer Plumbing Smoke Test Blower SS5E for commercial and residential testing. Smoke helps us visualize smell, since it will emit the same way, and allows us to find the sewer leak source in a matter of minutes. Sewer leaks are usually caused by pipe problems (broken or cracked), improper venting, and poor connections.

Gas Leaks

If you smell “rotten eggs,” hear hissing sounds, or notice a distinct streak of dead grass and vegetation, you may have a gas leak. These are extremely urgent and dangerous, and you should leave your business building or home if you suspect there’s a leak. When we come to a gas leak call, we used the Combustible Gas Leak Detector for Extreme Environments, which works from -40° to 158°F, making it suitable for businesses, construction sites, and homes alike. Gas leaks are typically caused by improperly installed gas lines, aging gas lines, or piping material problems.

Call E.R. Plumbing for Charlotte Leak Detection Service

If you suspect a water, sewer, or gas leak in your business or home, contact us. We can test for problems using top-of-the-line equipment and have the experience to do any necessary repairs, helping you resolve the issue before the damage worsens. We serve a 25-mile radius of Charlotte and are available 24/7 at (704) 846-5371.

Charlotte Professional Leak Detection Equipment

Article Summary

Quick question & answer: What should I do if I smell eggs - is it a gas leak?

You should contact a professional leak detection service if you smell “rotten eggs”, hear hissing sounds, or notice a streak of dead grass, which can be indicative of a gas leak. Since these are urgent, please leave the premises immediately and contact us. Gas leaks are typically caused by improperly installed gas lines, aging gas lines, or piping material problems.