Clogged Drain? Looking for Plumbing in Charlotte NC? Even though indoor plumbing is a huge societal advancement in history, it’s not a perfect system. We are very hard on our drains and pipes – really everything we do that isn’t simply pouring liquid down them has the potential to clog them up and cause damage
Tag: clogged sink drain
Charlotte Plumber Teaches How to Clear Drains – Part III
How to Clear a Bathroom Tub Drain In an earlier article, we outlined what tools will best help you unclog a stopped up kitchen sink, plugged up bathroom tub drain, or a floor drain. You can read details here. In this article, we’ll describe how to tackle one of the most common household drain clearing
Charlotte Plumbing Basics: How to Use a Plumbing Snake
Learn How to Use a Plumbing Snake Have you ever wanted to be able to maintain and fix areas of your house on your own? A desire to be able to correctly solve problems around your home is common. It gives you a sense of pride and accomplishment. But, how do you fix things like
How to Safely Unclog Grease, Oil and Fat From Pipes
Not sure how to unclog grease, oil and fat from pipes? As emergency plumbers in Charlotte, we see a lot of clogged pipes. Much as people try to keep their pipes clean, it seems they get clogged with all kinds of debris, from hair to floss, grease to oil. It’s just the challenge of keeping
Kitchen Sink Stoppage
Is your kitchen sink draining slowly? Have you noticed your kitchen sink smells bad? Have you wondered if your garbage disposal isn’t working right? If you have had any of these problems, you’ll want to address your kitchen sink stoppage right away. What Causes Your Kitchen Sink To Back Up? There are several reasons why